Collective exhibition
10/01/19 - 12/02/19
See the online catalogue
The collective exhibition "Other Lives" deals with subjects which have to do with life and with the current society, in which the concept of "use and throw", opening up a serious debate on waste accumulation and waste management. The purpose is to raise awareness of the urgent need to care for the Planet, to raise a critique of the consumerist culture, and promote reflection and debate on a society which generates a huge amount of waste every day.
In this sense, the title refers to those other lives that the discarded materials acquire after giving them a new meaning, many of them become art works. It starts from the idea of creation through the "found object", it is the form of the forgotten, which brings the artist closer to the conclusion of the work. This argumentative development refers to the concept of memory, which is associated with the human being’s need to possess and accumulate, and therefore his capacity to forget. A natural and cyclical process, intimately linked to the creation of a new object with a forgotten object, thus generating a totally different creation.
Based on this line of argument we have brought together three artists who conceive their work from recycled materials and elements. From the powerful animal sculptures of Ángel Cañas made from rubber and recycled tires; the sculptures and carousels of Iván Gómez from recycled iron and metals; to the collages and unexpected compositions of Alejandro Jaqs that he creates from different materials and elements that he takes directly from nature.

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